Thursday, December 07, 2006


I checked the winners of October's "Does My Blog Look Good in This?" (food blog photo aka foodporn competition) on spittoon extra the other day and was sorry to see that I had not made the finalists. But I went back today to get the link to track back to this post about the other finalists and to my utter delight, amazement and astonishment found that I had won after all and they'd just forgotten to include me in the list. And I got the accolade for "aesthetics" as well. Whoo!

I am so honoured and humbled! And on my first attempt too!

I had tough competition also, check out the other winners! They've given me a few ideas and a few more interesting blogs to look at.

Thank you to Andrew, Sam and Rob for your judging. This will definitely encourage me to strive for pictorial perfection every time I post.

Now I've just got to see if any of November's pictures pass muster...mmm, I'm not so sure about that!

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