Monday, September 25, 2006

Another surprise!

I only realised yesterday that the holiday in France (to near this place in photo) I booked ages ago is actually this weekend, I knew it was coming soon but not so soon. What a fabulous surprise! I am off on a digital photography course which has gourmet food thrown in – I think I will be in complete heaven!

I also get a chance to really put my lovely black baby Leica C Lux through its paces. It took me two days in New York to remember how to select the setting to take black and white only shots – I always think New York architecture looks so fabulous in black and white. Unfortunately it took me so long to change my options, the torrential rain had arrived so no architectural monochrome photographs for me!

I am hoping to return with much more proficient photos to scatter about my blog. I am a huge admirer of the photos on Posie’s Place, even if I don’t particular fancy the food – a curry with tomatoes in (I cannot explain what that does to me!) - the photography is just so incredibly vibrant. I should really get around to asking Pam the secret of her incredible photos. If you're reading Pam, how do you do it?

So I am off to learn from an expert who does the photography for adverts and for many of the food magazines I admire. We get to visit markets with a view to finding some photogenic foodie subjects to work with. And of course to eat!

Say ‘cheese’ or should that be ‘fromage’?

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